Strength Testing on Carnivore Diet

It’s simple if you can be lighter but stronger, bodyweight skills become much easier. I’m 5 Foot 7in and weighed 80kg. I was making good progress but as I was approaching the pointy end of skills like Full Planche my weight was becoming an issue. So for the last 6 weeks I have tried the carnivore diet, eliminating carbs and sugar completely. I’ve lost 5kg and feel great. I’m definitely seeing and feeling the bodyweight skills becoming easier and easier, but I wanted to test my overall strength. Am I really stronger? So I tested 2 movements: The Deadlift and the Weighted Chin Up. Luckily I had tested both just before starting the diet.

I started with weighted chins: BW to warm up then 10kg, 20kg, 30kg, 40kg and 45kg. My previous best was 35kg.

Next it was the Deadlift strength test. Pre Diet max was 170kg. I warmed up with 60kg for reps then 100kg, 120kg, 140kg, 160kg and then maxed out on 180kg which 240% of current bodyweight.

So both showed a significant gain in strength.

Check out the video for the reps and more insight


Stalder Press to Handstand


Crow to Handstand